spring Archives - Page 3

Halloween for Children on the Autism Spectrum

Halloween for Children on the Autism Spectrum

Halloween is just around the corner. This family-friendly holiday is exciting for kids of all ages, as they get to dress-up as their favorite character and visit neighbors who are passing out their favorite candy. If you are the parent or guardian of a child with...
School Readiness for Children with Autism

School Readiness for Children with Autism

The weather is getting slightly cooler, and the days are starting to seem a bit short. That’s right, the school year has arrived and you may be scrambling to ensure your child is ready. Children on the autism spectrum can face a unique set of challenges at...
Summer Readiness For Children with Autism

Summer Readiness For Children with Autism

Summertime means newfound freedom for children everywhere. For some parents of children with autism, this freedom and the summer activities that are sure to follow can cause some anxiety or a feeling of being overwhelmed at how much there is to do. If you’re one of...
A Christmas Carol (Sensory Friendly Performance)

A Christmas Carol (Sensory Friendly Performance)

Goodman Theatre will have a sensory-friendly performance of A Christmas Carol on Saturday, December 30, 2017 at 2pm. Accommodations for the sensory-friendly performance includes: Lower sound level, especially for startling or loud sounds House Lights remain on at a...