Therapeutic Links Tracy will provide insights on the need for Occupational Therapy for children with Autism, the role of Sensory Processing, as well as, the importance of body-mind regulation for higher levels of learning. Take home strategies to assist with your child’s overall Sensory-Motor Integration will be provided.
About the speakers:
Tracy Lyndon, OTR/L, is the owner and director of Therapeutic Links. She has extensive knowledge in regards to sensory processing within the Autism population. She has over 20 years of direct and specific training in the pediatric field of OT.
Julie Bergan, MS, OTR/L, is the Clinical Director at Therapeutic Links. She also has extensive continuing education within the field of Autism as well as additional expertise within child development.
Additionally, Tracy and Julie are Level 2 Cores in Training through the Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration (MNRI) method. Both Tracy and Julie provide parent friendly presentations to provide insight, knowledge as well as personal experience on how OT can benefit every child.
About the host:
Dr. Lapin is the director of outreach at The Place for Children with Autism. The Place provides ABA therapy (i.e., autism therapy) to children ages 2-6 in a full day pre-school setting. Dr. Lapin has expertise in autism, toilet training, assessment and treatment of challenging behaviors, and works at The Place to diligently support families after a diagnosis of autism.