The Best Autism Podcasts for Parents
Autism Podcast

There’s plenty of ways to get your fix of relevant content nowadays. In the busy life of a parent, podcasts are a great way to get entertainment, news, music and much more in an easily digestible package. For parents of children with special needs or neurodevelopmental disorders like autism, podcasts can be cathartic or tailored especially to their unique interests and needs. If you’re interested in podcasts, we’ll give you 7 recommendations for the best autism podcasts for parents below.

The Autism Helper Podcast

The Autism Helper Podcast is available on Spotify, and is one of the top rated autism podcasts available. With frequent posts lasting around 20 minutes, this podcast is informative and focused on strategies meant to improve the lives of those on the spectrum. Plus, it’s run by a BCBA!

Spectrum Autism Research

Spectrum is leading the way on autism’s hottest research topics, so it comes as no surprise that their podcast is just as educational and intriguing as their other media. You can listen to it on Spotify. Check this one out for frequent summaries on the newest studies and opinion pieces related to autism.

Hacking Autism

Hacking Autism is one of a handful of podcasts led by an adult on the spectrum. Because of this, it’s an intimate and personal glimpse into the life of someone whose life is deeply impacted by their identity as a person with autism. Find it on Spotify.

Turn Autism Around

Turn Autism Around is a great podcast for those who work in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy and any parents interested in learning how to support their children past the early years. You can check it out on Spotify.

All Autism Talk

All Autism Talk is all about connections. It provides valuable insights and topical posts from people of every walk of the autism community. It’s a great source of informative pieces grounded in science and medicine. Listen to it online.
For more ABA and autism related news and tips visit our blog and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter! If you have questions regarding ABA therapy services or you’re interested in visiting one of our locations, don’t hesitate to reach out to us on our contact page. We’re always here to answer your questions and support your family’s needs as best as we can.

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March 6, 2020

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