developmental disorder Archives - Page 6

Autism & Pets: The Benefits and Options

Autism & Pets: The Benefits and Options

A staple of today’s family photos, pets can feel like family members and friends now more than ever. Most children will likely go through one or several phases of wanting a furry friend and if your household is free of any serious allergies and has the situation/space...
SPD, Autism & Meltdowns

SPD, Autism & Meltdowns

As the parent or caretaker of a child on the spectrum you may hear plenty of terminology and verbiage to describe a lot of complex concepts and symptoms. One of those is Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD). SPD is a neurological disorder that can cause challenges with...
Autism Diagnoses in Underserved Communities

Autism Diagnoses in Underserved Communities

According to several studies, autism diagnosis rates vary across the board for different racial and ethnic populations. One of the populations that has some of the lowest autism diagnosis rates is the Hispanic community. Similar research also reveals that autism goes...
Dealing with an Autism Diagnosis

Dealing with an Autism Diagnosis

If your child was just diagnosed with autism, you may be feeling overwhelmed by emotions and thoughts. As parents, you love your child and want them to lead a life filled with love and success, not hardship. You may feel your life has taken a turn, or dramatically...
Depression & Autism

Depression & Autism

Though the two may seem distant, depression and autism have a complicated relationship. Like other disorders tied to mood, depression can affect every aspect of a person’s life. According to several studies, young adults on the spectrum have a higher chance of...