autism treatment Archives - Page 5

Thinking & The Autism Spectrum

Thinking & The Autism Spectrum

Putting autism in the simplest terms is to describe it as a different way of processing information. Of course, the autism spectrum and its various syndromes and symptoms are much more complex than that but, thinking and information processing is at the root of autism...
Myths & Misconceptions about Autism

Myths & Misconceptions about Autism

Without a doubt, autism is a puzzling phenomenon that our understanding of continues to evolve. With more knowledge and understanding however, comes plenty of questions and interpretations that may have some parents feeling led astray. In other words, the more facts...
Autism Vs. Learning & Attention Issues

Autism Vs. Learning & Attention Issues

There’s a lot of content out there that describes the potential signs of autism in children. Although plenty of it is helpful, and can help educate parents who are concerned about their children, it can also blur the line between autism and other learning and...